Geschiedenis, sociale wetenschappen, bezettingstijd en jodenvervolging. Een besprekingsartikel


  • J.C.H. Blom



Holocaust, Social sciences


C.J. Lammers, Vreemde overheersing. Bezetten en bezetting in sociologisch perspectief; M. Croes, P. Tammes, 'Gif laten wij niet voortbestaan'. Een onderzoek naar de overlevingskansen van joden in de Nederlandse gemeenten, 1940-1945; M.J. Schenkel, De Twentse paradox. De lotgevallen van de joodse bevolking van Hengelo en Enschede tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog

History, social sciences, the occupation and the persecution of the Jews. A review article.
When history and the social sciences come together they can produce some spectacular scientific results. This is demonstrated by two publications mentioned in this review article, both of which focus on the occupation and persecution of the Jews, particularly in the Netherlands. These publications differ greatly from one another because they represent two radically different styles of sociology. The empirical sociologist, C. J. Lammers presents elucidating opinions about the act of occupying a country and the occupation itself. These views are grounded in a wealth of knowledge about the history, accumulated from studying the literature. He also makes extensive use of a wide range of sociological theories. M. Croes and P. Tammes approach the subject using a method that tests quantitative hypotheses. These very specialised hypotheses about the persecution of the Jews in the Netherlands at the local level aim in particular to provide explanations for local variations in the chances of survival for Jews during the Second World War. Both approaches provide valuable insights. A concrete historical case study by M. J. Schenkel reveals that in order to fully comprehend the persecution of the Jews in Twente one should never lose sight of the dynamics of the historical processes that had a special bearing on different locations.


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Review Articles

How to Cite

Geschiedenis, sociale wetenschappen, bezettingstijd en jodenvervolging. Een besprekingsartikel. (2005). BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, 120(4), 562-580.